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OctrOctober 15 1853 Eastern Lunatic AsylemAsylum Paid
  to repairing and putting in
iron grates in tower
  to 2 dozen screws attat6¼ ct.$0.625 .25$0.25
  to furnishing 10 iron clamps
to hold in grates in window
  to putting in 2 painspanesglasſglass at $0.625 .12½$0.125
  to furnishing one very large
box staplebox-staple & put on same in
one of the sellscells in Westen building
  to furnishing one pound nailesnails .06¼$0.062
  to furnishing a ketchcatch to lock
in Bowrys ward
  to putting on a ketchcatch & a piece
of the archatrive in coartcourt room
to a lock
OctrOctober 20 1853 DoctrDoctorRobert P Waller Paid
  to setting up a mahogany bedsteadbedstand .25$0.25
  to putting up dresſingdressingglasſglass & drawsdrawers .25$0.25
  to 16 ft of plank by Littleton at 3$0.03 .48$0.48
  to putting on 3 rosepinknobbsknobs .25$0.25
  to putting on 18 knobbsknobs to drawsdrawers .50$0.50
OctrOctober 20 1853 MrMr.William H Yearby Paid
  to 4 days again of William
up to thirsdayThursday night the 20th20th
OctrOctober 24 1853 MrMr.Sam Bowman Paid
  to cutting 11 painspanesglasſglass on 2 sashes .22½$0.225
OctrOctober 29 1853 Eastern Lunatic AsylemAsylum Paid
  to 127 ft of large timber at 3.$0.03 3.81$3.81
  to 129 ft of plank at 3 ct.$0.03 a ft 3.87$3.87
  to 3 lbs of wraughtwroughtnailesnails at 18¾$0.188 .56¼$0.562
  to one piece of 3 by 4 scantling .50$0.50
  to 2 long iron bolt at 12½ ct.$0.125 .25$0.25
  to makeingmaking a large frame
& crosſcross frame with caseingcasing
all round & 2 large doors
to cover way at force pump
  to 14 bars of iron with straps
and screws to go acrosſacross the
windows and put on same at $1.25$1.25